Wednesday 26 February 2014


We have decided to call our Thriller 'Unsettled' as the homeless man is always unsettled as he moves each day. The cliffhanger does not suggest that he is either dead or alive and therefore suggests that he is of importance.

This font is called '28 Days Later' which is gritty and unglamorous and therefore suits our Thriller well. It represents both the homeless man and the murderer.

Though this would be suitable for our thriller, the other font -'28 Days Later'- is more rough which makes it stand out more as a title. However this may be suited for smaller writing such as actors names.

Though our thriller does depict unglamorous locations of graffiti, it doesn't focus on the grittiness of the murder and does not suit the character profile of our murder. However the first font represents the homeless life of the man, and the dirtiness of the murder.

1 comment:

  1. The first font type is the most appropriate. You may wish to add to the post explaining why you altered the title of the film which if a feature length film would probably focus on Norma and provide some kind of back story to her behaviour.
