Monday, 10 March 2014

Problems encountered during filming

Due to our Thriller being set during nighttime, we encountered problems of lighting. For example with medium long shots, we were unable to show the two characters involved within the same scene and therefore a solution was to use a torch that was available on our phones. This was more subtle than an actual torch that appeared like a spotlight  and therefore was suitable as it looked like lighting from a lamp post. We were able to focus and highlight the murderer's face so as to signify importance and danger.

Non-ambient lighting can be seen in films such as 'The Third Man' -particularly on the staircase scene- in which artificial lighting was used to mimic natural lighting thus creating the effect of chiaroscuro lighting. Though our lighting still mimicked non-ambient lighting, the effect was used to appear something it was not. Therefore our solution was effective and worked well in order to present our plot clearly.


  1. You need to say that your lighting was chiaroscuro thus injecting the mise-en-scene with a sense of nightmare. Also that chiaroscuro lighting is a strong aspect of mise-en-scene in The Third Man for example......and in the beginning of Essex Boys.......and at the beginning of Once Upon a Time in America (you could say this in your evaluation if you reference lighting in Question1.

    You say at the end of your post
    ......Though our lighting still mimicked non-ambient lighting, the effect was used to appear something it was not. Therefore our solution was effective and worked well in order to present our plot clearly.

    This is muddled, could you sort out please.

  2. You could post a screen shot from a film of what you wanted to achieve and how far you went in achieving this in your thriller film with screen shot.

    Examples of noir lighting: TTM, Brief Encounter, Essex Boys. Of ambient lighting: "Witness" the child witnessing the murder in the toilets, ambient lighting in Essex Boys when the victim/grass of Jason's assault shot on the Essex Marshes, Animal Kingdom when Josh is given the gun in the car.
