Wednesday 26 March 2014

Evaluation - Question 2 ROUGH

1 comment:

  1. In order to strengthen I suggest you include Representation of Ethnicity.

    I have emailed you about this.

    Your film includes explicit references to racism. The victim is a home young man from an ethnic minority; the social group he belongs to are vilified by the popular press, particularly newspapers like the Daily Mail. Your film acts as a critique of racism, this you needs to explore the representation of this young man, who could be an asylum seeker, or illegal immigrant.

    His attacker is white British thus you have represented the girl as a complex character. On the one hand she is strong and able to take care of herself but on the other she is the archetypal femme fatale - deadly.

    These additions would raise your grade from a satisfactory level 3 to a possible level 4.
